675 Ygnacio Valley Rd
Walnut Creek, CA
100% Non-Invasive Treatments
Advanced Technology
Advanced Results


Welcome to Justbodyspa.com
At Just Body Spa, we treat problematic areas with our state of the art technology, including many of the latest advancements. We offer the toning and tightening of EMSculpt Neo, Endospheres (which greatly reduces cellulite), Cavitation & Radio Frequency (RF) machine, & Non-invasive Laser Lipo, to disperse & liquify fat cells.
Many of these techniques are designed to shrink and liquify fat cells, or to tone and tighten problematic area, thus helping in weight loss, tightening, de-puffing, inflammation, detoxifying, improving skin texture, among many other benefits...
All of the techniques we offer are 100% NON-INVASIVE procedures! Zero pain, zero downtime.

Body Contouring Specialist
We will give honest & professional consultations, in order for you to achieve the proper goals, but only if you’re a candidate for our treatments.We strive to assist in your body shaping goals!